What pricing plans we offer

We offer three different pricing plans: Free, Custom and Enterprise. You can find more information about them at datawrapper.de/pricing

How do I sign up for a specific plan?

There are two ways to choose a plan: Sign up, then click on ☰ and "Settings" in the top right, then "Upgrade" (or simply click here to directly go there). You will arrive at a page where you can select any of our available plans.

You can also write to support@datawrapper.de. We're happy to create an account or upgrade a plan for you.

Do you offer a discount for non-profit organizations?

NGOs use our tool extensively and we, of course, recognize the financial constraints that such organizations are under.  We gladly offer a 20% discount on annual and monthly Custom plans. Get in touch with us at support@datawrapper.de and we'll set your account up.

I'd like to use Datawrapper for teaching. Do you offer a discount for students?

We think it's awesome when educators within the journalism field want to use Datawrapper as one of their teaching tools. Our powerful Free plan offers unlimited publishing of charts, maps and tables as well as collaboration: You'll be able to organize the charts of your students in teams & shared folders according to topics, classes, or however you see fit.

The Free plan also offers PNG export, but we understand that this might be not enough for you.  We gladly offer PDF and SVG export for students at journalism schools. Get in touch with support@datawrapper.de to ask us to set this up. If you're teaching in a field unrelated to journalism, please write to us anyway and we'll see what we can do for you.

Why do you offer such a strong Free plan?

Our Free plan enables you to create, publish, embed and export Datawrapper visualizations as PNGs without limits. We offer such a strong free plan because we know that a lot of our current users and customers find out about Datawrapper through workshops, university classes or by trying out the tool after spotting an embedded chart online. We want to make it as easy as possible to do that.

But we understand that relying on a service you don’t pay for can feel odd: There must be a downside to it, no? We promise there isn't any. Even on the free plan, we assure you that:

  • We won't sell your data. Some companies make the user into the product, but this is not our business model. All data you upload to Datawrapper is treated as confidential and only belongs to your account.
  • We won't track your readers. Your embedded charts will not contain any code that tracks you or your readers. We've never done that, and will continue to not do that, regardless of your plan.
  • Your charts are private. You decide when it's time to share your charts with the world. Until you hit "Publish", your charts are visible only to you and your team.
  • Published charts will stay online indefinitely. We will never delete or disable any of your Datawrapper visualizations that you embedded somewhere. We stand by our pledge to keep all our users' charts online.

Can I use custom fonts in my charts?

Yes. If you’re using the Custom or Enterprise plan, Datawrapper will provide a fully customized design theme for you, which includes own fonts. You can either send the font files to us and have them hosted on our high-performance server (the same one that makes sure your charts load fast), or you can send us links and we’ll load them from your site. We can also work with platforms such as TypeKit and load the fonts from there.

What does the custom theme entail and what do you need from me?

If you choose a plan with a design theme (e.g. the Custom plan), all charts, maps and tables can be fully customized to fit in with your organization’s design guide. That can mean a change in font family, size & color, background color and the color palette of all charts, extra borders or padding or adding a logo. For example, The Times asked us to add a black line on the top of their charts, De Tijd wanted a logo, and both of them requested a change in background color and custom typefaces.

Our Custom plan includes one custom theme, but you can add as many as you want for an extra fee. Visit our Pricing page to learn more.

To customize your charts, please send us your style guide at support@datawrapper.de. We can work with all kinds of different formats, so just send us whatever you think gives the best indication of what you’re looking for. At the minimum, we recommend to include the following:

  • Font family, size and color for headline, description, chart and footer
  • Color palette (a primary color and list of colors that suit your brand)
  • Logo (if you’d like to include it in the chart)

Once we’ve received your style guide, we will create a first version of that design in your Datawrapper account. We’ll fine-tune the design together with you to make sure it fits in well.

How can I remove the "Created with Datawrapper" attribution at the bottom of the chart?

The Datawrapper attribution appears if you use our Free plan. It allows your readers to discover how they too might be able to make similar charts as you did. We want to democratize data visualization and enable content creators to tell their data-driven stories without needing special skills or lots of money, which is why we offer such an extensive free plan – and which is why the attribution remains important.  To remove it, you'll need to update to a Custom or Enterprise plan.

Is there a limit to how many people can view my graphics online?

No. We limited chart views for free users a while ago, but changed that in December 2019. You can create and publish as many graphics as you want with any Datawrapper account, no matter how many people see them.

What happens to my charts when I cancel my plan or close my account?

We'd be sorry to see you go. (Let us know your reasons so that we can improve our app!) But you don't need to worry about your chart & map creations:  Even if you're not our user anymore, they will stay online forever and remain visible to your readers.

How can I cancel my paid subscriptions?

You can cancel at any time. Simply go to "Settings" / "Manage plan" and then switch to a Free Plan or reach out to us at support@datawrapper.de if you're unsure, have any questions or want us to cancel for you. Your existing published charts will stay online.

I have a question that isn’t answered here.

Write to support@datawrapper.de and we’re happy to answer all the questions you might have (about Datawrapper, that is).

If you need to freshen up your chart design skills, visit our blog "Chartable".

If you want to be kept updated about recent features, the “Datawrapper News” section of our blog and our Changelog might be useful.

And if you want to see what other users have created with Datawrapper or need some inspiration, visit our Datawrapper River, which features hundreds of charts that other Datawrapper users built and which you can reuse.