Introductory Training Session

This article is targeted at Custom or Enterprise plan users. For details on our paid plans, visit our pricing page

We also have free training materials which are made available for everyone, including users with the Free plan. 

For users on Datawrapper Custom or Enterprise plan, we offer a free online training session for your team as part of your onboarding

What to expect in your training session 

  • Approx. 90 minutes long including a Q&A session 
  • Designed for users at all levels, from complete beginners to advanced users
  • Webinar format using online platforms of your choice (e.g. Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams)
  • Covers the basics of Datawrapper with live demos 
  • Customized to your team's needs and usage of Datawrapper
  • Resources (slides, datasets, and recordings) will be made available after the session

How to book a training session

  • If you're a new customer, our Support team will reach out to schedule a training session as part of the your initial onboarding. 
  • If you're already on a Custom or Enterprise plan but haven't received a training session yet and would like to schedule one, reach out to


Q. How many people can attend the session?
A. There's no limit to the number of attendees. 

Q. We've only purchased 20 licenses. Can we invite more people to the training session than the number of purchased licenses in case we expand our subscriptions in the future? 
A. Yes, of course! Feel free to invite anyone from your organization who might benefit from using Datawrapper! 

Q. Do you offer training sessions for more advanced users or on specific features of Datawrapper? 
A. We have done customized training sessions and longer workshops on specific topics or for more advanced users before but this isn't something that is included as part of the initial onboarding. Reach out to if you have any specific requests.