Your first chart, what's Datawrapper & a tour through it.
11 articles
Bar charts, stacked, bullet, split & grouped bar charts.
15 articles
Column charts, grouped & stacked column charts
15 articles
Line charts, area charts and slope charts
20 articles
Pie charts, donut charts, multiple pie charts & multiple donut charts
12 articles
Create and customize scatterplots, set annotations & add custom lines
12 articles
Dot plots, range plots & arrow plots. (Not sure what they are? Find out here!)
8 articles
Create and customize tables and add bar charts, images & links to them
12 articles
How to use choropleth maps: pro tips, examples and how to's
22 articles
How to use symbol maps: pro tips, examples and how to's
18 articles
Create and customize locator maps, import areas & create tooltips
25 articles
Examples of Datawrapper line, area, pie charts, scatterplots & maps
14 articles
What are teams, how to create them & how to invite others to your team
20 articles
Custom design themes, self-hosting, automatic image publishing, and more
12 articles
How to embed charts in Medium or Wordpress and how to export them
14 articles
Something doesn't work? Look for the answers here.
25 articles
How to create charts and maps that automatically update live.
11 articles
Organization, links, HTML, tooltips, images – get to the next level.
28 articles
How to use the River/Google Trends & how to extract data out of a PDF
4 articles
Which kind of data Datawrapper accepts & how to change it
16 articles
How to change the way Datawrapper shows your dates and numbers
6 articles