How to display locale and custom field in team Archive

Learn how to add locale (e.g en-US, de-DE), special IDs and comments on your visualization thumbnails to better organize your team archive and to easily search for your visualizations. 


  1. What you can display in your visualization thumbnails
  2. How to configure your visualization thumbnails

What you can display in your visualization thumbnails

1. Output locale

Let's say you have the same visualizations in multiple languages which are difficult to distinguish from one another just from the thumbnail images. You can configure to display locale on your visualizations to distinguish them and quickly find the visualization in a specific language. 

2. Configure contents from one of your custom fields 

Note: The 'Custom field' option is only available to users of Custom or Enterprise plan

You can configure the contents of one of your custom fields to display on the thumbnail. For example, you can configure to display dates, article IDs, the name of the author or even comments. This can help to better organize your team archive and your workflow. 

How to configure your visualization thumbnails

To access Archive view settings, go to ① My teams from the top-right menu and ② select a team (e.g. team 'Newsroom' in the image below). Then, in the General settings, click on the ③ Archive button. 

Then turn on the options ④ Show locale of visualizations and/or ⑤ Show custom field option depending on what you want to display (note that you can only configure one custom field to be displayed). 

That's it! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to