How to style embedded visualizations

Our visualization embeds support “render flags” to change the behavior of the embedded visualization. They can be used to enforce dark mode, disable all interactive elements, or hide the header and footer of a chart. Here's the list of all supported render flags:

Flag Example value Description
dark truefalse"auto" For enforcing/disabling the dark mode, or activating the automated dark mode
plain truefalse In plain mode, the visualization will be shown without the header and footer.
search any text Can be used to pre-fill the search box in visualizations that support search (currently only tables)
static truefalse In static mode, any interactive elements in the visualization will be disabled and links will show up as normal text.
logo "on""off" If your custom theme includes a logo, this flag can be used to force the logo to be shown or hidden
logoId any text If your theme defines multiple logos, you can use this flag to define which logo to show
transparent truefalse If set to true the visualization background will be set to transparent instead of the defined theme background.

How to set render flags in embed codes?

You can set render flags by appending them as URL parameters in the HTML embed code:

<code><div><iframe src="" ...></iframe></div>