How to embed visualizations in PowerPoint presentations

You can embed interactive Datawrapper visualizations in your PowerPoint presentations. This is particularly useful for adding interactive visualizations (such as zoomable maps), live-updating visualizations (using Datawrapper's external data features) or visualizations using your custom styles directly within your PowerPoint presentations.

To embed your visualizations, follow the steps below:


Click on 'Insert' and on 'Get Add-ins'

To add a Datawrapper visualization to your presentation, you need to add Microsoft's Web Viewer add-in. To do that, click on 'Insert' in the top menu, and then on 'Get Add-ins':

In the window that opens, search for Web Viewer and select this result:

Once you have added the add-in, it will prompt you to enter a URL to display:


Copy your visualization's URL

You can find the URL of your visualization in the fourth step in Datawrapper (Publish & embed). Make sure to copy the Visualization only URL. Please copy the URL without the https:// prefix, as that is already included by the Web Viewer add-in automatically.

Once you have copied the URL into the URL text field in PowerPoint, click Preview to load your visualization:


View your visualization

After clicking  Preview, the interactive visualization will appear within your presentation: